The Creator’s Design for the Beginning of All Things
In the beginning, God created everything we see and don’t see, everything we know and don’t know, everything we understand and don’t understand. Through Yeshua the Messiah, everything was made. These words embody the idea that the world around us didn’t just happen by chance. Instead, God the Creator intentionally crafted the universe and everything within it with purpose.
Chaos and Randomness will Never Bring Order or Purpose
It’s easy to imagine that everything we see around us is the result of a random explosion of atoms—just a big bang out of nowhere, followed by time and chaos. Chaos doesn’t usually lead to order. If things were truly random, we wouldn’t see the kind of balance and precision we do in nature.
Take the ocean, for example. We all know the sea can be wild, but the ocean doesn’t just come rushing up onto the land without warning. The tides are controlled by the moon and the Earth’s gravity, creating a natural rhythm set by God from the beginning. If there were no boundaries, the ocean would wreak havoc on the land, flooding coastlines and erasing entire ecosystems on a daily basis. Instead, the ocean stays within its limits. It cannot go any further than what God has set in motion.
Or think about animals: lions don’t wake up and decide to become giraffes, and birds don’t try to swim like fish. The lion is built to hunt, the bird is designed to fly, and the fish is shaped to swim. Each creature is perfectly designed for its role, but no animal ever wakes up and decides, “Today, I will change what I am.” They continue to do what they were made to do, even in this present age.
Yeshua: The Reason Behind It All
The scriptures tell us in Colossians 1:16 how and why everything was made. God created the universe for His son, Yeshua the Messiah. It says, “because in him were all things created, those in the heavens, and those upon the earth, those visible, and those invisible, whether thrones, whether lordships, whether principalities, whether authorities; all things through him, and for him, have been created.” (YLT)
So, the world around us isn’t birth from some random chaotic boom. It’s the result of a Creator who, through Yeshua, carefully shaped everything with intention for the one He loved – His son. Every detail, every system, and every creature are the results of a masterful and love filled design.
A Call to Awe and Wonder
When we understand creation in this way, it calls us to awe and wonder at our Great and Mighty God, the Creator of the universe. Our lives are not mere accidents in a cosmic lottery, but rather, part of a grand story that stretches back to the very beginning of time.
As the Psalmist writes, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Psalm 19:1). When we look at the stars, the ocean, or even a single flower, we are invited to see the hand of the Creator in all things. Every detail speaks to His wisdom and power.
All things considered, the order, beauty, and complexity of the universe reveal an undeniable truth: everything we see and don’t see, everything we know and don’t know, and everything we understand and don’t understand, is the work of a deliberate, purposeful Creator.
So, the next time you take a walk in nature or gaze up at the stars, remember this isn’t a random universe. It’s a masterpiece, crafted with intention by God Most High, through and for Yeshua the Messiah and we get the opportunity to experience this life with Him and His son.
What Did You Learn from this Torah Portion?
The beginning of Genesis (Genesis 1:1-6:8) is a fascinating read. Tell me what stood out to you in these passages? What golden nugget did the Holy Spirit speak to you? Comment below so we can all learn.