We Praise You Father God – Psalm 150:6


All Creation Praises You YHWY Elohim

“Let everything that has breath praise YHWH. Praise YHWH!” – Psalm 150:6

Everything means everything – all of creation, including humans. Today, Father God we shout, “HalleluYah!!!!” to You, Everlasting King of Glory. There is no one like You. You are Forever wonderful, a true Counselor, a Waymaker. 

Psalm-150:6 - We Praise You Father God

You are the only one who deserves all the praises of all creation. Like tress swaying in the wind, we lift our hands up to You. Like lions roaring, we shout, “Glory to Your name.” Like the beaver patting with his tail, we clap our hands before You. 

We make a joyful noise in Your Presence because let’s be honest Lord, all of us can’t sing. So thank you for making a way for our voices to be accepted in Your ears. 

We dance before You, acknowledging it’s You who gave us the ability to move our bodies. 

Father God, You are AWESOME! And no matter where we search in the entire universe, we’ll find no one better than You.

Assignment: Take time out today to praise God with your voice and your body. Shout, sing, and dance. If you can play an instrument, then do that as well. Just praise God today for being so good to you. 


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