God Equips You for His Glory, Not Yours


The thing I love about God is that He always equip you with what you need to accomplish what He called you to do. And if He has to He will give the gift you need to complete the task before you just like He did Bezalel. 

Vayak’hel – He Assembled – God Equips You for His Glory, Not Yours

Everything needed to build and beautify the Mishkan, God birthed in Bezalel, making him a master craftsman. Then He gave him and Oholiab the gift of teaching those skills to others so they could help them. 

This is where most people go wrong. When God gifts people with skills to help them accomplish a goal they become overwhelmed because they thought it was just for them. God never gives someone a task to burden them. It is meant to be a group project so no one can take full credit for what God is doing in the earth through them.  

When God gives us something it’s not to make our name great. It’s to make His name great. It’s to glorify Him among the nations. It’s to lift Him up. 

We have to remember it’s not our ministry or our organization. We are here to serve our Master, the King of the universe, the Great I Am so everyone around us can see His Light in us and want to get to know His name, not ours.

Are you making His name great or yours? 


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