Kadosh/Holy (Song) by Barry & Batya Segal

Kadosh - HolyLet’s join with the angels in heaven who cry, “Holy, holy, holy is YHVH our God, the Lord of hosts, who was, who is, and who is still to come.” He is Yahweh Elohim, creator of the heavens and earth. He is the one who forgives us of all of our sins. It is by His holiness that we and the world are judged. He is the righteous One. Let us bow down and worship Him on this day, seeking Him for forgiveness so that our names will not be blotted out of the Book of Life.

To learn more about this series, read “To Yahweh Be the Glory.”

Kadosh (Holy) Video

Song: “Kadosh (Holy).” Artist: Barry & Batya Segal.

Kadosh (Holy) Lyrics

Kadosh kadosh kadosh
Kadosh kadosh kadosh
Adonai Elohim tz’va’ot
Adonai Elohim tz’va’ot

Asher hayah
V’hoveh v’yavo
Asher hayah
V’hoveh v’yavo

Holy holy holy
Holy holy holy
O Lord (YHVH) our God Lord of hosts
O Lord (YHVH) our God Lord of hosts

Who was and Who is
And Who is to come
Who was and Who is
And Who is to come

Scripture Reference

Each of the four living beings had six wings and was covered with eyes inside and out; and day and night they never stop saying, “Holy, holy, holy is ADONAI, God of heaven’s armies the One who was, who is and who is coming!” Revelation 4:8

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