Psalm 130 is a song of ascents by David to Yahweh. He wanted God to know that only forgiveness is from him and he will wait on Yahweh no matter how long it takes. Only Yahweh can redeem Israel and you and me. So let’s cry out to God like David did.
A Praise to Yahweh
Yahweh, I call to you from the depths; hear my cry, Yahweh! Let your ears pay attention to the sound of my pleading.
Yah, if you kept a record of sins, who, Yahweh, could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness, so that you will be feared.
I wait longingly for you, Yahweh; I put my hope in your word.
Everything in me waits for you, Yahweh more than guards on watch wait for morning, more than guards on watch wait for morning.
Isra’el, put your hope in Yahweh! For grace is found with Yahweh, and with him is unlimited redemption.
He will redeem Isra’el from all their wrongdoings.
Scripture Reference
Psalms 130