I Will Worship You in Spirit and in Truth
“God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” – John 4:24
Father God, I thank You for allowing us to worship You in the purest form there is. You are the invisible God who created everything. You are almighty and wonderous.

You have given us Your Word – from Genesis to Revelations – to show us truth, to give us hope, to have a standard to live by. By obeying Your Word we are worshiping You. Then You sent Your only son to the earth to show us how to live Your Word in the flesh.
When Yeshua left this earth to go back to You, he sent Your Holy Spirit to dwell in us so we are never alone and always a compass that points back to You and Yeshua.
These two magnificent beings help us worship You in spirit and in truth. HalleluYah to Your blessed name.
I bow low before You delighting in Your extreme compassion and marvelous ways.