God tells us to meditate on his scriptures day and night. This section of scripture is good to say on a daily basis. It will renew your mind. So speak out loud for your ears to hear and feel it in your heart.
I Trust, Commit and Rest in You Yahweh
My Heavenly Father, holy is your name. I give you glory, honor, and praise.
I am not upset by evildoers or envious of those who do wrong, for soon they will wither like grass and fade like the green in the fields.
I trust in you Yahweh, and I do good.
I settle in the land, and feed on your faithfulness.
I delight myself in you Yahweh, and you give me my heart’s desire.
I commit my way to you Yahweh.
I trust in you and you act.
You make my vindication shine forth like light, the justice of my cause like the noonday sun.
I am still before you Yahweh; I wait patiently for you to come.
I am not upset by those whose ways succeed because of their wicked plans.
Therefore, I stop being angry. I put aside rage and I am not upset because it leads to evil.
Thank you for your encouraging post! It was just what I needed to hear. I pray that Yahweh bless you and keep you! Vickie
You are truly welcomed. I receive that blessing and pray the same for you and your family.