Shabbat Shalom – I Delight in Your Statues – Psalm 119:15-16

“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.”

Shabbat Shalom. One thing I love about David is he is always complimenting God through his words and actions. He lets Him know His ways and rulership are foremost in his mind. And that rulership, which requires following His rules are a delight to him. 

How many of us can say that? 

Shabbat Shalom – I Delight in Your Statues – Psalm 119:15-16

David was a human being with flaws, yet he continued to try to do right by God Almighty. If he did wrong by God, he quickly made amends. He confessed his wrongdoing and set about to make things right. 

This is what I love most about David. He wasn’t a superhero. He didn’t possess supernatural abilities. Just because God considered him a friend, he didn’t use that as a “get out of jail” free card. 

He tried to walk the narrow and straight path the best he could and when he fell, he quickly admitted to God his wrongdoing. He didn’t say, “God knows my heart.” Or “God is the one who made me this way.” No. He said, “You and you alone have I sinned against, my God.”

This is how important their relationship was to him. God meant everything. He didn’t speak empty words to Him. Instead, he constantly sang praises to His name, adored Him, and thanked Him for everything. 

He worshipped Him through his actions. He made offerings. He bowed and prostrated himself before the Great King of Glory. He testified about his goodness. He wasn’t ashamed of God and how he felt about Him.

I can tell you God wasn’t ashamed of him either. 

What’s the secret to David’s wonderful with God? Well, Yeshua told us. He said, “If you love me, you’ll keep my commandments.” 

Our scripture today lets us know that David showed God he loved Him by keeping His commandments. How did he do that? By meditating on God’s precepts, fixing his eyes of His ways, delighting in His statutes, and not forgetting His word!

David made sure he renewed his mind so he could please the one person who mattered most to him. He lets Him know His ways and rulership are foremost in his mind. And that rulership, which requires following His rules, is a delight to him.

What do you think about David’s relationship with God? Do you think you have the same relationship with God? Do you think you can improve on your relationship with God? 

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