Thank You, Yahweh – Psalm 131 & 138

Psalm 138 and 131 are songs of ascents by David. One meaning of ascent is “a movement or return toward a source or beginning.”David wanted to his creator to know He was the one David was grateful to. He was moving toward Yahweh with his heart. In the end he tells us to put our hope in Yahweh also. Let’s praise God with him.

To learn more about this series, read “To Yahweh Be the Glory.”

Thank You, Yahweh

Yahweh, I give you thanks with all my heart. Not to idols, but to you I sing praise.

I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your grace and truth; for you have made your word even greater than the whole of your reputation.

When I called, you answered me. You made me bold and strong.

All the kings of the earth will thank you, Yahweh, when they hear the words you have spoken. They will sing about your ways, “Great is the glory of Yahweh!”

For though you, Yahweh, are high, you care for the lowly; while the proud you perceive from afar.

Yahweh, my heart isn’t proud. I don’t set my sight too high. I don’t take part in great affairs or in wonders far beyond me. No, I keep myself calm and quiet, like a little child on its mother’s lap. I keep myself like a little child.

Yahweh, you keep me alive when surrounded by danger. You put out your hand when my enemies rage; with your right hand you save me.

Yahweh, you will fulfill your purpose for me. Your grace, Yahweh, continues forever. Don’t abandon the work of your hands!

Israel, put your hope in Yahweh from now on and forever!


Scripture Reference

Psalms 138 and 131

3 thoughts on “Thank You, Yahweh – Psalm 131 & 138”

  1. Tracy caveny-spencer

    This is absolutely beautiful! I want to print paste on my fridge! Thank you And May you all be blessed!

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