There are Only Two Masters and the Devil is Not One of Them


This is a powerful message by Dr. Myles Munroe about the economy of the world and the economy of the Kingdom of God. In the scriptures we are admonished to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). Yet, how many of us have really done that? Do we even understand what is God’s Kingdom?

Kingdom Vs. Democracy - Dr. Myles Munroe -

Dr. Myles Munroe hits the nail on the head in this short video on God’s economy. This is an important subject because so many of you are burdened down by your finances or lack thereof. You focus more on money problems than on God’s solutions.

The lover of money never has enough money; the lover of luxury never has enough income. This too is pointless. Eccl. 5:10

In essence we make money our god and use excuses to justify it. Some of those excuses are

  • “Well, we have to live,”
  • “We need money to have a home and food,”
  • “We need money to…more money for…”
  • “Without money, how are we supposed to live?”

God never said we didn’t need money. But let’s be honest with ourselves. How many televisions do we need? How many cable stations do we need? How many cars do we need? It’s time to rethink how we are doing things while claiming to be with God and for God.

No servant can be slave to two masters, for he will either hate the first and love the second, or scorn the second and be loyal to the first. You can’t be a slave to both God and money. – Luke 16:13

Now let’s listen to one part of God’s Kingdom.

Chase God, NOT Money Video

Chase God, NOT Money” by Dr. Myles Munroe.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree? Why or why not?


4 thoughts on “There are Only Two Masters and the Devil is Not One of Them”

  1. He’s teachings are unique he brought me to right path. Thank you Lord for Dr.myles I’m now a kingdom citizen in Jesus name! Amen!!💕

    1. Dr. Munroe was definitely a special gift to us. I thank God for recordings of his teachings and all of the books he wrote. He was an excellent teacher, who helped thousands of people learn their purpose by turning to God. Love, love, love his teachings.

  2. Hatessah Peresipi.

    I’m blessed when i watched DrMyles teaching,and I need to hear more teaching. I know he is a great man used by Almighty God to this office of teaching,for the Kingdom.

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