Torah Class Resource


Here is another fabulous website to teach you more about the scriptures. Although this site is called “Torah Class,” it actually teaches from the whole Bible. This is a good site for Christians looking to learn more about the Old Testament and how it relates to us today. This was actually one of the first sites I found when I started my search for the truth of the scriptures.


The teachings are not only written, but they are in audio format that you can listen to on your computer or download. Each lesson has a PDF slide presentation for you to follow along while you listen to the audio file. The slide presentation contains charts, maps, pictures, outlines and other graphics to enhance the lesson.

My favorite section — audio files of the Old Testament in Hebrew. You can listen to the Bible in Hebrew! If you are trying to learn to read Hebrew, this is a great way to improve your learning. This is definitely a website worth looking at. So take a look now and learn more about the Bible.

About Torah Class

Here’s a little more information about Torah Class from their website.

Torah Class is an independent, non-denominational organization of Christians and Messianic Jews who meet to learn Torah and Old Testament (Tanach) from a Biblical and Messianic perspective, and then apply our understanding to the works of Messiah (Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach) in the New Testament and ultimately to our lives and personal relationship with the God of Israel.

“The Bible was written by Hebrews and therefore it is critical to understand ancient Middle Eastern and Semitic biblical-era cultures and to learn the meaning of the many unique Hebrew and Aramaic words, expressions, and idioms found in Scripture.

“Torah Class presents a biblical (rather than doctrinal) exegetical scripture study perspective while embracing a spirit-filled, intellectually honest, and refreshingly understandable exploration of God’s Word.”


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