Psalm 29 is a psalm of David telling the people to give Yahweh all the glory, which is due his name. Then he tells you why you should honor Yahweh. Let’s join David in honoring Yahweh for being wonderful.
Glorify Yahweh
Give Yahweh his due, you who are godly.
Give Yahweh his due of glory and strength.
Give Yahweh the glory due his name.
Worship Yahweh in holy splendor.
The voice of Yahweh is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, Yahweh over rushing waters, the voice of Yahweh in power, the voice of Yahweh in splendor.
The voice of Yahweh cracks the cedars; Yahweh splinters the cedars of the Lebanon and makes the Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox.
The voice of Yahweh flashes fiery flames.
The voice of Yahweh rocks the desert, Yahweh convulses the Kadesh Desert.
The voice of Yahweh causes deer to give birth and strips the forests bare -while in his temple, all cry, “Glory!”
Yahweh sits enthroned above the flood! Yahweh sits enthroned as king forever!
May Yahweh give strength to his people!
May Yahweh bless his people with shalom!
Scripture Reference
Psalms 29