God Never Fails and He’s Always Right on Time


I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I need a little bit of help. February seems to be the time when so many things are due for me. I didn’t know what I was going to do. Yes, I know I should plan better. In any case, I needed a certain amount of money by March 1 for a particular bill. So I prayed.

God Never Fails and He’s Always Right on Time - www.cswisdom.com

I started a business last year and because of my time I haven’t done much. I have an event in April so that won’t help me now. However, an opportunity came up for me to be a vendor at an event. It was very short notice and the event was only two hours long. Instead of thinking there wouldn’t be enough selling hours, I thanked God for the opportunity to make some money towards that particular bill.

Well, as it turns out, Yah is ALWAYS better at doing things than I am. He knows everything and everyone.  Not only did Yah give me what I needed for that bill, He also gave me what I needed for all of my other bills. HalleluYah!

I encourage you to spend time with Yah because He truly hears our prayers. He is always on time. He always does things better than what we can ask or thing.

Tell me what God has done for you.


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