My Daughter is Alive


Last Tuesday I got a phone call from my daughter telling me the car behind her had blown a tire. The car was so close to her she thought it was going to hit her. But praise YHVH it didn’t happen. She and my grandchild were safe.

Last Friday night my grandson and I got ready for bed as usual. We pray before going to bed, but that night I felt like praising YHVH. We laid in bed and I lifted my hands in the air. Usually my grandson makes a fuss, but tonight he didn’t. He only wants to pray when something’s bothering him. Tonight, however, he raised his hands with me and sang. Eventually, we said goodnight and he went to sleep.

A little after midnight I got a phone call from my daughter telling me she had been in a car accident. A girl ran a blinking red light and hit her on the driver side, deploying the side airbag. She had to go to the hospital and would call me after she heard anything. The police officer was amazed she wasn’t more messed up, based on the way the car was hit.

Although, she may end up in therapy, she is alive and well. I am not burying my daughter and her son doesn’t have to grow up without his mom. I can only thank my heavenly father for sparing her life and my grief.

Praise Time

Thank you Heavenly Father for sparing my child. Truly under your wings do we hide; your shield and buckler are our truth. You protect our lives every day from danger seen and unseen and for that I am really grateful. You are AWESOME YHVH Elohim. There is truly no one life you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I bless you YHVH Elohim with all my soul and with all that is within I bless your holy name. I praise you YHVH; I praise you Elohim my savior! For each day you carry us in your arms.

Hallelu Yah!


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