Nobody Like You (Song) by Paul Wilbur


Paul Wilbur - Nobody Like YouWhen I heard this song it made me want to bow my head in holy reverence to Yahweh Elohim, Creator of the heavens and earth, to the One who created everything I see and everything I don’t see, everything I know and don’t know, and everything I understand and don’t understand. He is holy and my spirit cries out to Him for being so merciful and compassionate to me, allowing me to see another day of life, to see the rain falling, to hear my family’s laughter, and for just being able to say, “Hallelu YAH! There is absolutely no one who compares to YOU!”

To learn more about this series, read “To Yahweh Be the Glory.”

Nobody Like You Video

Song: “Nobody Like You.” Artist: Paul Wilbur.

Nobody Like You Lyrics

Lord of all
I bow down at your feet
All to you Lord
I give, all of me
My soul long to behold who you are

Holy, is the Lord of glory
we lift our voice
And sing to You our King

Worthy, You alone are Worthy,
we lift our voice and sing to You,
Our King

Lord of all
I bow down at your feet
All to you Lord
I give, all of me
My soul long to behold who you are

Holy, is the Lord of glory
we lift our voice
And sing to You our King

Worthy, You alone are Worthy,
we lift our voice and sing to You,
Our King

And with our voices aloud
We’ve come to sing it out,
Nobody like You,
Nobody like you

And with our voices aloud
We’ve come to sing it out,
Nobody like You,
Nobody like you

And with our voices aloud
We’ve come to sing it out,
Nobody like You,
Nobody like you

And with our voices aloud
We’ve come to sing it out,
Nobody like You,
Nobody like you

Holy, is the Lord of glory
we lift our voice
And sing to You our King

Worthy, You alone are Worthy,
we lift our voice and sing to You,
Our King

Holy, is the Lord of glory
we lift our voice
And sing to You our King

Worthy, You alone are Worthy,
we lift our voice and sing to You,
Our King

Then the glory of the Lord is filling this place
Then the glory of the Lord is filling this place
Then the glory of the Lord is filling this place
Then the glory of the Lord is filling this place
Then the glory of the Lord is filling this place
Then the glory of the Lord is filling this place
Then the glory of the Lord is filling this place

Scripture Reference

I have no one who compares with him, who will care so sincerely for your welfare. Philippians 2:20 CJB

Come, let’s bow down and worship; let’s kneel before ADONAI who made us. Psalm 95:6 CJB

Each of the four living beings had six wings and was covered with eyes inside and out; and day and night they never stop saying, “Holy, holy, holy is ADONAI, God of heaven’s armies the One who was, who is and who is coming!” Revelation 4:8 CJB


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