Secrets of the Ten Commandments


A Facebook friend of mine posted this video on her timeline. It looked interesting so I made time to listen to it. I was amazed at the level of understanding Rabbi Mordechai had. While most of the teachers I’ve heard who have taught on the Ten Commandments were mostly from a historical view point, Rabbi Mordechai took a different point of view. He showed how each commandment actually paired with another one. For instance the first commandment went with the sixth commandment; the second commandment went with the seventh commandment and so on.

Rabbi Mordechai KraftI learned a lot about the commandments that made a lot more sense than they normally did. Ultimately, I was shown the relationship between God and man and man and man from these commandments alone. It is an amazing teaching. You may have to watch it more than once to grasp all of the information he is teaching.

Let me know what you thought about the teaching. Is it something you already knew? Is it something that you kind of knew about, but couldn’t put it into words like he did? Or is it something that was entirely new to you?

Secrets of the Ten Commandments Video

Rabbi Mordechai Kraft Bio

Rabbi Mordechai Kraft was born in Briarcliff Manor, NY and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Trinity College, Hartford, CT. He studied in Israel for four years and then continued his studies for over a decade at Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, The Rabbinical Seminary of America in Forest Hills, NY. Rabbi Kraft then received their prestigious “Yoreh Yoreh, Yadin Yadin” rabbinic ordination in 1999. Rabbi Kraft is fortunate to have studied under some of the foremost teachers of Torah of our generation, Rabbi Yaakov Rosenberg, Rabbi Moshe Chait, and Rabbi Henach Leibowitz, and to be inspired by their vision of love for every Jew.  In 2004, Rabbi Kraft founded and has since directed Emet College Outreach, together with Rabbi Akiva Rutenberg. Rabbi Kraft’s love for teaching Torah and inspiring ethical growth in his students is only matched by their receptivity to his words. Rabbi Kraft has a passion to convey the inherent greatness of every human being. His lectures are both highly articulate and poignantly expressive. Rabbi Kraft has served as the Assistant Rabbi at Congregation Havurat Yisrael in Forest Hills, NY for 15 years and is a popular teacher at Ateret Seminary, on campus at Queens College. He is an aspiring blues guitarist and an avid tennis enthusiast. Rabbi Kraft, his wife, Monica, and their six children live in Kew Gardens, NY where they host many guests each Shabbos. (

Special Note: I only post videos of teachings I have actually listened to from beginning to end. It does not mean I endorse every teaching the teacher has taught, just the video I am posting. With everything, please do your own study of the subject matter so you can be fully convinced one way or the other.


2 thoughts on “Secrets of the Ten Commandments”

    1. I’m sorry Buck, but I don’t know if that book exists. It’s just a video, which I posted above. Maybe you can serve the speaker out and see if he has other material you might like.

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