Christmas, Jesus, the Wise Men, Oh My!


Christmas is a sore spot for most people who say they follow the Bible. Most Christians believe Jesus is the reason for the season. They latched onto a commercial slogan, which kept being repeated until it became a natural thing to say. Churches all over the world have erected Christmas trees in their buildings with some of those trees being in the sanctuary. Christmas decorations stream throughout the building. Christmas rehearsals are taking place for the big Christmas play that shows the three wise men presenting gifts to baby Jesus. Pastors are preparing for the big Christmas sermon to further increase people’s beliefs in Jesus being born on Christmas Day.

The Truth about Christmas

Unfortunately, all of that stuff taking place is not Biblical. It’s actually mixing pagan ways with God’s ways. Jesus is not the reason for the season. He wasn’t born on Christmas day like so many other pagan gods. He wasn’t visited by three wise men at his birth. He wasn’t presented with only three gifts. Read the section entitled, “The Real Nativity Story” for what really happened during the Messiah’s birth.

“Jesus is the reason for the season” came about to combat the Santa Claus story. However, this holiday predated Jesus so the statement is wrong. He is not the reason for the season. If you begin to study everything used during the Christmas season you will find none of it has to do with Jesus or Yahweh. Our own country outlawed Christmas at one point. Shouldn’t that say something? Read the section entitled, “Jesus is Not the Reason for the Season” to learn more about the historical view of Christmas.

The thing we as a people of God forget is that it doesn’t matter what a particular day means to us. What matters is what God says. He tells us not to practice the ways of the nation. He tells us to not cut any tree down and decorate it. He tells us to be set apart so when the nation looks at us they can tell we are different. They can tell we honor someone greater than ourselves. When we are set apart then we are not bringing shame to God’s name and thus are honoring the third commandment.

If you want to know the truth about Christmas, read the following articles. Ask God to show you the truth. All I ask is that you put aside what you presently believe about the subject and try to look at this in a new light. Ask yourself if you are doing what God wants or what tradition has taught.

The Real Nativity Story

Growing up, watching Christmas cartoons, going to church hearing the Christmas story of how Jesus laid in a manger, I became indoctrinated with Jesus being born on Dec. 25. It wasn’t until several years ago that I began to study this for myself. I found that the story told in the Bible was far different from the story I grew up with.

The more I studied the scriptures the better my understanding of the story of Christmas became. The Magi never visited baby Jesus in his manger. They didn’t give him just 3 gifts. There were many gifts, which is only befitting of a king – no matter how young he was. Only 3 gifts were highlighted because it spoke prophetically.

Read the articles below and find out what really happened the night Yeshua was born, who was at his birth, when did the Magi visit him, and why gold, frankincense and myrrh were chosen.

Nativity sceneThe Real Nativity Story

Christmas was my favorite holiday when I was a child. I loved decorating the house, inside and outside. I loved going to the tree lot to pick out a real tree, then bringing it home and decorating it. It was always so huge so there was a lot of decorating to be done. We wrapped presents for the grandchildren and… [Read more.]

by Pamela PerryThe Magi Visit Jesus

Every year the story of Jesus being born is celebrated as the holiday, Christmas. It tells about how he was born in a manger and how the three wise men each brought a gift for him while he was still in the manger. Books, cartoons, and movies all portray this story. However, this is not what really happened. To find… [Read more.]

goldfrnkmyrWhy Bring Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh as Gifts?

In “The Magi Visit Jesus,” we talked about the Magi, who they were, why they came and what gifts they brought. Now we will talk about why the gifts they bought were significant because the Magi brought more than gold, frankincense, and myrrh to give to Yeshua. The Magi brought a… [Read more.]

Jesus is Not the Reason for the Season

As we approach the Christmas holiday many people are decorating their yards and houses, buying presents to wrap and put under the Christmas tree, and singing festive songs.

Even Christians are celebrating this holiday following the slogan, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Unfortunately, that is the furthest thing from the truth. Read the articles below and find out why.

Christmas Tree at BellagioWhy was Christmas Banned in America until 1820?

Christmas is right around the corner. Millions of people are out right now buying last minute gifts for those they love, those they want to impress and those they barely speak to. If I was a betting woman, I would bet that 90% of them don’t know how Christmas… [Read more.]

christmas-treeThe Spirit of Christmas in Christmas Songs

This is the first part of an analysis of three Christmas songs. If you really want to understand the simple meaning of Christmas, all you have to do is read the words of Christmas songs that are sang every year by millions of people around the world. The tradition… [Read more.]

santa-clausSanta Claus is Coming to Town

The Spirit of Christmas in Christmas Songs (Part 2/3). This is the second song in my list of Christmas songs that show the spirit of Christmas. Everyone knows that if you rearrange Santa’s name you get Satan, which is most appropriately. After all, millions of people worship Santa Claus as all knowing and who has the authority to reward or… [Read more.]

silvergoldSilver and Gold

The Spirit of Christmas in Christmas Songs (Part 3/3). This is the third and final song in my list of Christmas songs that show the spirit of Christmas. “Silver and Gold” is from the animated movie, “Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer”. Burt Ives is the voice of the snowman, who starts out by telling us that Yukon… [Read more.]

Let’s change the world together! And build a kingdom of citizens who belong to YHVH Elohim!

With much love,



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