We Rejoice in Yahweh! – Psalm 33


Psalm 33 praises Yahweh for his word being true, his works being trustworthy, and keeping his eye on us. He has the final say in what man does. Man may think he has won wars by their own strength, but that is not true. Yahweh decides who will win and who won’t. He keeps watch over his people and will bring the best outcome for them. He protects us against famine and shows us a way out of the enemy’s camp. He is worthy of our shouts and our abilities to play musical instruments in his honor. So let’s praise Yahweh Elohim because he deserves it!

To learn more about this series, read “To Yahweh Be the Glory.”

Psalm 33: Rejoice in Yahweh - cswisdom.com

Rejoice in Yahweh

We, the righteous, rejoice in you Yahweh! Praise is well-suited to us, the upright.

We give thanks to you Yahweh with the lyre.

We sing praises to you with a ten-stringed harp.

We sing to you a new song.

We make music at our best among shouts of joy, for your word Yahweh is true, and all your work is trustworthy.

You love righteousness and justice; the earth is full of your grace Yahweh.

By your word Yahweh the heavens were made, and their whole host by a breath from your mouth.

You collect the sea waters together in a heap; you put the deeps in storehouses.

Let all the earth fear Yahweh! Let all living in the world stand in awe of you, for you spoke, and there it was; you commanded, and there it stood.

Yahweh, you bring to nothing the plans of nations. You foil the plans of the peoples. But your counsel Yahweh stands forever; your heart’s plans are for all generations.

How blessed is the nation whose God is you Yahweh, the people you chose as your heritage!

Yahweh, you look out from heaven; you see every human being; from the place where you live you watch everyone living on earth – you who fashioned the hearts of them all and understands all they do.

A king is not saved by the size of his army, a strong man not delivered by his great strength. To rely on a horse for safety is vain, nor does its great power assure escape.

But your eyes Yahweh watch over those who fear you, over those who wait for your grace to rescue them from death and keep them alive in famine.

We are waiting for you Yahweh; you are our help and shield. For in you our hearts rejoice, because we trust in your holy name.

May your mercy, Yahweh, be over us, because we put our hope in you.


Scripture Reference

Psalm 33


2 thoughts on “We Rejoice in Yahweh! – Psalm 33”

  1. Praise Yahweh everyday we see a new sunrise.Praise Yahweh because he is faithful to his promises .Praise him even more for he loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins so that we can have a free will and live.Amen

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